Saturday, December 11, 2010

Un 'Real' Estate

'Green City ... the Gate way to your dream home ' screamed a banner close to my house. It had a nice happy family - a sophisticated looking 'Dad' and 'Mom' with a lovely 'kid' beaming a broad smile. Behind them was the 'Dream home' and lots of greenary ...( I noticed that the Grand pa and Grand ma were missing ....oh yup, we live in nuclear times ! )

Sai Nagar, Sun City, Green City, Green Valley, Mathuram Nagar, Mathuram City , Al Kabeer Township.... the list went on. Some 15-20 km away from Tiruchirapalli there was hardly any agricultural land left.... all of it had been converted into Nagars , Cities , townships and the like , they were all levelled , and plotted ...some even had streets marked out....And interestingly , there were hardly any houses though ! There were some rain fed greenery and an occasional shepard herding a few sheep...

But yes, there were cars on the road, plying 'investors' from and to the city. One enterprising 'Real Estate' agent had organized for trips using 'Tempo Travellers'. He had decked up the place with flags, and tents and .... man, it was interesting to see people look into sheets of papers showing the map of the 'would be township'....

Some distance away there was a 'Sakti Matriculation School '...and the area around it had the boundry stones painted out prominently. Experience tells that the presence of the school would have increased the prices steeply.... Further away was a board '1200 sft for only 65000'. ...'ONLY' ...

A little more travel and I realized this is the kind of real estate development that has happened all around Trichy.... It almost looked like there is so much 'development' that it would require 3 times the population of Trichy to occupy all these plotted area ...When will people come to live in these places ?? When will the the promised development take place ?? When will the dream houses actually come ???

I know people buy these plots - not to live - but to sell it to somebody else with a 'profit' - who will sell it to somebody else and the path goes on and on . People are so busy spectulating on the future productivity of Land - that they dont seem to realize that - the productive resource does not seem to be producing at all !!! ....For, till all the development actually happens and people actually come to live there , whatever little agriculture would have been possible in those areas is also gone. To me it looks insane.

And till sanity finally comes ( it usually does ...) we'll see more of these (un)real estate agents hawk away agricultural land to greedy 'investors' ...who would hope to find somebody else who'll build a dream house on it ...